Forsyth County parents demand School System remove Critical Race Theory from schools


FORSYTH COUNTY, Ga. – Last week, Governor Kemp sent a letter to the state Board of Education urging “immediate steps to ensure that Critical Race Theory and its dangerous ideology do not take root in our state standards and curriculum.” He called CRT “divisive and un-American.”

At about the same time, angry parents of Forsyth County students and others complained during a Board of Education meeting that CRT — which has its roots in Marxism — has already infected the local school system disguised as a strategic plan euphemistically labeled Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI). And they demanded it be removed.

The meeting room was filled to capacity (approximately 200 people) and many more watched the proceedings on a lobby monitor as one-by-one, opponents blasted the concept they say pits Americans against one another and judges people by the color of their skin and not the content of their character.

Eddie Solly was the first to approach the rostrum and he torched a suggested reading list a school director tweeted to Forsyth County teachers last year that included such toxic titles as Me and White Supremacy, Dying of Whiteness, White Fragility and Lies My Teacher Told Me.”

Solly said, “These books can also be found as recommended reading on the pages of CRT, The 1619 Project and Marxist advocates. But this list is taken directly from the Forsyth County School Director of Communication and Community Engagement Twitter page. That same director called my cell phone from her office yesterday to confront me for following her Twitter page. She didn’t like the fact she thought I was using information from her page.”

Kendall Cameron said, “CRT has not formally been made part of the curriculum, however, resources are being provided to teachers to integrate it into lessons. Let’s be clear, if you are advocating or allowing the teaching of CRT, a concept grounded in ideology and not real scholarship, you are by the definition of the academy for over a century, promoting racism. If you have materials you are providing where it says if you are born a White male, you are an oppressor, then you are abusing our children.”

But the most moving comments came from Theresa Shen, a first-generation immigrant from China and the mother of a rising ninth grader in the Forsyth County School System who said, “I’ve traveled around the world and lived in several countries. America is the best country in the world. It is very sad for me to see the current Black Lives Matter and Antifa. These are mere words, but under a hidden agenda. So is CRT. It is rooted in communism. The same playbook is being played in communist societies. Divide and conquer. Make the population hate each other so they can control. DEI is in disguise of CRT.”

Another speaker told Board members, “This problem will not go away until it is condemned and removed.”

School officials stubbornly and arrogantly say their DEI plan is not the same as CRT and they will not change it. So much for listening to those who elected you. Very few opponents were buying it. They say if it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck, it’s probably a duck.

Forsyth County GOP President Hunter Hill called DEI “a Marxist Trojan Horse disguised with sunshine, rainbow and a bow on top. This is Marxism 101 and it’s anti-American.”

CRT has enjoyed some early acceptance in some states but many others are beginning to push back vigorously. State legislatures in Georgia, Tennessee, Texas, Arkansas, Arizona and South Dakota are debating banning the practice.


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